(FOLIC ACID 5 mg + Zinc 55mg)
Folic Acid:
Anaemia is a general term meaning a lack of red blood cells in the circulation and there are many possible ways in which anaemia can arise. As red cells have the job of transporting oxygen around the body, anaemia is one of the common causes of breathlessness and tiredness.
Iron-deficiency anaemia is the most common type of anaemia. It affects up to 30% of the world's population, and 14% of all women of childbearing age even in developed countries have iron-deficiency anaemia. Menstrual blood loss can lead to anaemia, but other factors include a diet not containing enough iron-rich foods or not being able to absorb enough iron. Any other cause of bleeding will result in iron-deficiency anaemia (e.g. stomach ulcers).Menstrual blood loss is the main cause of iron-deficiency anaemia. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract (from ulcers or cancer) also can cause decreased iron levels. A poor diet puts anyone, at any age, at risk of iron-deficiency anaemia.
Folic-acid-deficiency anaemia :
Folic acid is an essential requirement for the development of normal red blood cells and is absorbed from food. A lack of folic acid interferes with the normal development of red blood cells and produces an abnormal cell called a macrocyte. This does not have as much haemoglobin as normal red cells and therefore the patient may become iron deficient. Furthermore these cells don't last as long as normal. Folic acid is essential for normal red blood cell development. Folic acid deficiency occurs when there is insufficient folic acid in the diet or when it is poorly absorbed. During pregnancy, the body needs more than twice the normal amount of folic acid. Therefore it is essential that pregnant mothers take additional folic acid. Finally there is good evidence that if additional folic acid is taken before conception and during the early months of pregnancy, folic acid may prevent such birth defects as spina bifida.
Pernicious anaemia :
Vitamin B12 is essential in the normal development of red blood cells. When the intestinal tract is unable to absorb vitamin B12, a vitamin deficiency develops leading to what is called a Pernicious anaemia. These are early abnormal red blood cells that also cannot carry enough haemoglobin, thus leading to anaemia.
Chemotherapy-induced anaemia :
Many patients with cancer develop anaemia. Sometimes the anaemia is as a result of the cancer itself and in other people it is as a result of the treatment for the cancer.
Anaemia related to kidney disease :
Anaemia is one of the most important complications of kidney failure because of its effect on a patient's well being, but there are ways of treating the condition. It is as a result of your kidneys not producing enough of the hormone erythropoietin. This hormone is crucial for the formation of new red blood cells. As a result your blood does not contain enough red cells and becomes less and less effective at carrying oxygen making you feel tired and sluggish.
Aplastic anaemia :
This is rare. It is usually the result of the unexplained failure of the bone marrow to produce blood cells.
Haemolytic anaemias: Haemolysis is a term that describes the breaking up of red blood cells, leading to release of haemoglobin into the plasma. This can be as a result either of an inherited condition or from one acquired after birth. The best-known of the inherited haemolytic anaemias are sickle cell anaemia (which mainly afflicts African-Americans) and thalassaemia (which tends to affect people of a Mediterranean background).
Indication of Folic acid:
Folic acid is used in the following situations. Treatment of anaemia due to folate deficiency .Prevention of folate deficiency during pregnancy and subsequently preventing neural tube defects in the foetus . Prevention of folate deficiency in patients undergoing chronic haemolysis and renal dialysis. To reduce the risk of toxicity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis that are being treated with methotrexate.
Action of Folic acid: Folic acid is a B group vitamin that is required for DNA synthesis, amino acid metabolism and the formation of red blood cells. Folic acid is involved in the maturation of all rapidly proliferating tissues and is particularly important during neural tube closure in the developing foetus.Prevention of folate deficiency in pregnancy.In low risk women who have no family history of neural tube defects and are not on antiepileptic medications 500 micrograms orally is given once daily prior to conception and should be continued for the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. In high risk women who have had a previous pregnancy with a neural tube defect, who have a close family history of neural tube defects or who are taking antiepileptic medications, 5 mg orally is given once daily prior to conception and should be continued for the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy.
Prevention of folic acid deficiency in chronic haemolysis and renal dialysis 5 mg orally with dosing ranging from once a day to once a week Alternatively 500 micrograms orally may be given after dialysis. Folic acid is safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Zinc deficiency during pregnancy can negatively affect both the mother and fetus. Animal studies indicate that maternal zinc deficiency can upset both the sequencing and efficiency of the birth process. An increased incidence of difficult and prolonged labor, hemorrhage, uterine dystocia and placental abruption has been documented in zinc deficient animals. These effects may be mediated by the defective functioning of estrogen via the estrogen receptor, which contains a zinc finger protein. A review of pregnancy outcomes in women, reported that out of every seven pregnancies, there was one abortion and two malfunctions, suggesting the human fetus is also susceptible to the teratogenic effects of severe zinc deficiency. Body needs zinc for the production, repair, and functioning of DNA a basic building block of cells. So getting enough zinc is particularly important for the rapid cell growth that occurs during pregnancy. Studies link a zinc deficiency to miscarriage, toxemia, low birth weight, and other problems during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
FOZILIX is the brand with combination of Zinc and Folic acid. Zinc is combined with folic acid for the prevention of Neural tube defects (NTDs).Zinc deficiency decrease folate bioavailability of folic acid, folate polyglutamates and folate monoglutamate Zinc deficiency causes secondary alteration in folate metabolism. If folic acid supplementation is given, additional Zinc supplementation should be considered for the further decrease in recurrence and occurrence of Neural tube defects (NTDs) .Composition: Each sugar coated tablet contains Zinc sulphate monohydrate USP 55 mg Folic acid IP 5 mg . Zinc is combined with Folic acid to prevent neural tube defects. Zinc helps in folic acid metabolism. 5 mg Folic acid is necessary to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of neural tube defects.
Once daily after meals or as directed by the physician.
Indications :
To prevent Neural Tube Defects, Spina Bifida, Anencephaly, Cleft Lip palate, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation, Congenital abnormalities.