Calcium Citrate 1000 mg + Vitamin D3 IP 200 IU+ Magnesium Hydroxide IP 100 mg + Zinc sulfate Monohydrate USP equivalent to elemental Zinc 4 mg TABLETS
Calcium Citrate is 2.5 times bio available than Calcium Carbonate. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is an essential body electrolyte. Calcium supplementation has been shown to facilitate calcium retention and bone accrual in children and adolescents. In adults, it effectively promotes the consolidation and maintenance of bone mass. In conjunction with vitamin D, calcium supplementation also decreases bone fracture risk in the elderly, slows the rate of bone loss in old age, and is of benefit to the health and well-being of postmenopausal women. Calcium supplementation has long been regarded as a fundamental part of the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal bone loss. That apart from its critical role in bone health, other health benefits have been suggested, including improvements in blood pressure and in serum cholesterol profiles. |
Calcium is essential for maintaining the functional integrity of nervous, muscular, and skeletal system. It controls the excitability of nerves and muscles and regulates permeability of cell membrane. It also regulates cell adhesion and maintains the integrity of cell membrane. Calcium acts as an intracellular messenger for hormones, autacoids, and transmitters. It is required for the excitation-contraction coupling in all types of muscles and excitation-secretion coupling in exocrine and endocrine glands. It is essential for the release of transmitters from nerve endings and other release reactions. It is also essential for impulse generation in heart and determines level of automaticity and A-V conduction. Calcium is also required for blood coagulation.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is a pre-hormone that has long been known for its important role in regulating body levels of calcium and phosphorus, and in mineralization of bone. The two major forms of vitamin D are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitaminD3 (or cholecalciferol).Vitamin D3 promotes resorption of calcium and phosphate from bone by enhancing recruitment and differentiation of osteoclast precursors in the bone remodeling units. It helps in bone mineralization.
Magnesium is the second most abundant intracellular cation in the body. Magnesium ion is a critical cofactor in more than 300 enzymatic reactions involving energy metabolism, and protein and nucleic acid synthesis. Accordingly, magnesium is essential for various normal tissue and organ functions. It has been shown that magnesium is essential for the normal function of the parathyroid glands, vitamin D metabolism, and adequate sensitivity of target tissues to PTH and active vitamin D metabolites. Thus, magnesium deficiency is linked with hypocaclemic conditions and is associated with bone health related adverse effects such as impaired bone growth and mineralization and thereby could reduce bone quality, strength, and density.
Bone growth retardation is a common finding in various conditions associated with zinc deficiency, suggesting a physiological role of zinc in the growth and mineralization of bone tissue. Bone zinc content is decreased with aging, skeletal unloading, and postmenopausal conditions. Zinc has been demonstrated to have a stimulatory effect on bone formation and mineralization; the metal directly activates aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase in osteoblastic cells, and stimulates cellular protein synthesis. Moreover, zinc inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclast-like cell formation from marrow cells. Zinc may act on the process of bone-resorbing factors-induced protein kinase C activation, which is involved in Ca2+ signaling in osteoclastic cells. Thus, zinc plays a role in the preservation of bone mass.
In conditions demanding high calcium
Fracture ,Chronic low back pain , Spondylosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis , Pregnancy & Lactation
1-2 tablets/day Calcium is an essential element in the body, the major fraction being in the bone. It is important for the maintenance of electrolyte equilibrium and for the functioning of numerous regulatory mechanisms. |